Sunday, January 15, 2012

just another day...

Everyday we can, my hubby and I walk to the break wall.  My favourite time of day. Stresses from the day drift away, breathing in deep the smell of the sea... and you just never know what you're going to see.
This was about 6pm... loving daylight savings and seeing people out enjoying the water till after 7pm!

This day we saw dolphins in the river (still struggling to capture a good piccy of dolphins! Looking forward to getting my mum-in-laws old cannon camera to play with!), police escorting a boat into the marina, full on large police patrol boat waiting for the little police boat out past the bar, old school plane doing laps over head (I think he was checking out the patrol boat too!) and someone's discarded bike that had been selvaged from either the river or the ocean.  What an outing! Surprising what can happen in our quiet piece of the world. :)

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