Monday, May 14, 2012

the dream in progress...

So what's been happening lately?

Besides growing my bub (due in 2 days!!) have been slowly building some ideas and stock to take on selling some crafts either at local markets, online or at a new local craft/artist co-op store that is getting up and running (very exciting!!). 

The plan is to use my collection of vintage fabrics and op shopped crafty finds to create individual homewares made from completely recycled materials - bunting, cushions, quilts/rugs.... oh its so exciting!

Here's some of my bunting I made for pre-baby celebrations... and as practice before making some to sell...


 Welcome to the start of my 'Naisy Days' range...

No definite plans for where my wares will appear yet, but will get past the first months of motherhood and then hopefully find what will work for me.

Have some cushion ideas I'll share with you later this week! Oh the joy of sewing and creating. Nothing like it. :)